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Teleflora Blooming Brilliant Bouquet
Product Information

Add a touch of sparkle to Mom's day with Teleflora's Blooming Brilliant cylinder, boasting a crushed glass texture and a soft ballerina pink hue, perfect for showcasing a dreamy Mother's Day bouquet.

Substitution Policy

We will make every effort to maintain the "look and feel" of the arrangement by considering the overall shape, size, style, and color combinations. In single-variety arrangements the variety will take precedence over color. For instance, if an order is for yellow daisies, they will substitute another color of daisies, not another yellow flower. White roses and cream roses may be substituted for each other as well as peach roses and pink roses. Purple and pink orchids may need to be substituted for white orchids and visa versa.

Teleflora Blooming Brilliant Bouquet

Item # T24M400A

Yes, make it extra special!

Local Florist Since 1965
Hand Designed & Arranged
Fast, Same Day Delivery
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